Monday, December 29, 2008

These are some of manuals that I have been using to facilitate my understanding of life, the universe and everything. They are of course, personal to me, and though I would recommend them to most everyone, I would certainly not assume they would become guidebooks for life for anyone else. And, for purposes of full disclosure, I actually have not gotten through the books. I have read most of the 4 agreements, and have started the New Earth. I also want to be clear that these materials are helpful to me now. In the future, they may not be, or there may be other things that I may place higher on the list of things that are helpful to me. As for the past, well, all of these have fairly recently found their way into my realm of existence, so I won't speak on the past either.

1. The 4 Agreements
2. A New Earth

1. What the Bleep
2. The Secret